In a debate tournament, a team of 3, 5 or 7 adjudicators must be present to judge the proceedings of the debate, analyse each team’s speakers and arguments and tender the results of the debate session.
Judging a debate involves assessing several factors which include:

  1. Content: Evaluate the quality of arguments presented, their relevance, coherence, and logical consistency.
  2. Delivery: Consider the clarity, confidence, and persuasiveness of the speakers’ presentation.
  3. Rebuttal: Assess how effectively debaters respond to their opponent’s arguments and counterarguments.
  4. Use of evidence: Determine the strength and relevance of evidence cited to support claims. Check the relevant statistics used to validate their argument.
  5. Organization: Evaluate the structure and flow of the debate, including introductions, transitions, and conclusions.
  6. Style: Consider the debaters’ language, demeanor, and ability to engage the audience.

Considering these factors, a debate is scored under these three broad headings.
A. CONTENT (40%)
B. STYLE (40%)
C. STRATEGY. (20%)

Under Content: The adjudicators look out for the speakers interpretation of the motion , the speakers position and whether he did all that are expected of him. For instance, the lead speaker is expected to define the terms in the motion and give the role specifications of his/her teammates. He should also characterize the motion by identifying the problem in the status-quo. Then he uses appropriate parameters to propose or oppose the motion. The Second speaker should refute the assertions of the opposing team and extend their arguments while the second supporting speaker also called the Rebuttalist is expected to counter every argument of the opposing team and then reaffirm their stand .
On no account should the second supporting speaker come up with any fresh argument.
Any team that fails to interpret the motion well or any speaker that fails to do his assigned role well, scores low under Content.

Under Style: Here, the adjudicators check the general manner of presentation of the speaker.Observe, the speaker’s use of palm cards, whether he glances on the cards or reads from it. A speaker is expected to take occasional glances on the palm cards. Reading from the palm card is penalized by loss of marks. The judges evaluate their gesticulations, pronunciation, articulation of sentences and voice modulation.

Under Strategy: Here, the adjudicators watch out for the following –
I. Time management ; either below or above the allotted time.
Ii. Team work; the team is expected to work together.
Iii. POI ; are there points of information? Did they accept a point of information? Is it properly addressed? etc.

Award of Marks in a Debate

Content 40 (%)Style 40(%)Strategy 20(%)
An Exceptional Speaker323216
An Excellent Speaker313116\15
Extremely Good Speaker303015
Very Good292914\15
Improvement Needed242412
A poor speaker should not be scored below competent speaker level while a good speaker should not be scored above Excellent speaker level. .

The Reply Speech is scored over 50. Therefore, It is scored under 20. 20.10 against 40.40.20

Ultimately, judges should base their decisions on the overall effectiveness of each debater in advancing their position and engaging with their opponent’s arguments.

By judy

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